Ask Benji and ABOR Keeping Arizona’s FAFSA Completion Momentum through Calling Campaign
Ask Benji and the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) recently announced that they are partnering on a Winter Break FAFSA Calling Campaign to ensure the FAFSA completion momentum keeps going strong.
According to ABOR, Arizona currently has a 17% FAFSA completion rate -- up 0.5% from this time last year.
Ask Benji and ABOR are dedicated to increasing the state’s FAFSA completion, which is why they are providing FAFSA help over winter break both virtually and over the phone.
This week the Benji chatbot is texting students information about the campaign and on Dec. 19, the Ask Benji team will begin calling students who still need to complete their FAFSA. The campaign will end on Jan. 13, 2023.
If students do not want to receive a call, they can opt-out by replying to the original Benji chatbot text.
The Ask Benji team will host a virtual office hour to answer any questions from staff at their partner sites from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. on Dec. 15. There will also be a social media toolkit available to the public.
Any students unable to participate in the campaign but still need help with their FAFSA can schedule an appointment with the Statewide FAFSA Completion Support Network.
Additional notes regarding this campaign:
What does that mean for students of Benji partner schools?
Seniors from those schools will receive direct assistance from a live Benji agent during the phone call. Alternatively, students can schedule a call or video conference via Calendly for another time.
What if the student doesn’t want a call?
When the student gets a Benji text informing them about the Winter Break Campaign, they can let us know if they don’t want a call.
What if a student wants a set appointment?
In that Benji text message, students will also be sent the link to the Calendly scheduler to set up an appointment with a FAFSA expert.